Sachiko Kawakami

Born in Ehime in 1984, Sachiko Kawakami graduated from the Graduate School of the Kyoto University of Arts and Design, majoring in Artistic Expression. Kawakami has always been interested in the moment humans feel, perceive, and create shapes. Her works explore the roots of cognition and form and examine how our brains perceive sensory processing information and understand the world around us. The intricate lines she draws seem inorganic, yet also seem to undulate like a living creature, encouraging the viewers to think in different vectors of energy, sense of vision, body and consciousness.
She received numerous awards, including the SICF11 Spiral Encouragement Award in 2010, the Sanwa Company Design Award for Excellence in 2016, and the 20th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art Exhibition in the same year. She is also involved in partnerships and collaborations with companies. Major exhibitions include “Deviant Voices” at the Kyoto University of Art Galerie Aube in 2022, “Sachiko Kawakami Exhibition for One Pair a Day” at Kyoto Onsho Takeyacho/Wacoal Corporation in 2020, “Geibunkyo Exhibition EX – Connecting” at Kyoto Art Center in 2019, “The 20th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art” at Kawasaki City Taro Okamoto Museum of Art in 2017 Exhibition; and “Sachiko Kawakami Exhibition” at Kyoto Art Center in 2014.