FAB Paris 2024
このたび、ギャルリーためながはグラン・パレで開催されるFAB Parisに出展いたします。フランスと日本を繋ぐ当画廊の精神を反映し、日本の現代作家・菅原健彦の作品と、エコール・ド・パリの作品が一堂に会する貴重な機会となります。
It is with great pleasure that Galerie Tamenaga announces its participation in the esteemed FAB Paris, hosted within the illustrious Grand Palais. Our showcase is a curated convergence of artistic narratives reflecting the spirit of the Franco-Japonais gallery, featuring magnificient works by the contemporary Japanese Takehiko Sugawara alongside seminal works from the Ecole de Paris.
Witness the seamless interplay between tradition and contemporaneity as Sugawara’s work engages in a dialogue with Modern Masters such as Marie Laurencin, Odilon Redon, Bernard Buffet, Maurice de Vlaminck, Georges Rouault and Moïse Kisling. The Grand Palais transforms into a crucible of cultural crosscurrents, inviting patrons to immerse themselves in the sophistication of these masterpieces. Allow these profound works of art to resonate with your discerning sensibilities and join us at the FAB Art Fair for an unparalleled experience.